We call Jenna our Miracle baby. David and I were high school sweethearts but split up before graduation (ouch, 1986). After 15 years apart and separate lives David set out to search for his high school sweetheart. Married for a year we decided to try for a family but didn't have much luck, we tried for almost 3 years.
One day I wasn't feeling to great and didn't get my monthly friend so I decided to take a test and much to my surprise the test was positive. To make the event more memorable I arranged to have flowers delivered to David to tell him the good news. We waited until the third month to tell our families and when we did everybody was very excited but the most excited of all were big sisters to be Kayla and Becca.
Kayla would be the bigger sister and Becca the big sister.
One day I wasn't feeling to great and didn't get my monthly friend so I decided to take a test and much to my surprise the test was positive. To make the event more memorable I arranged to have flowers delivered to David to tell him the good news. We waited until the third month to tell our families and when we did everybody was very excited but the most excited of all were big sisters to be Kayla and Becca.

Most of the pregnancy went pretty well, no morning sickness but I had all kinds of other problems. I had Carpal Tunnel in both hands, very fat feet, a rash all over my belly called PUPS and best of all Gestational Diabetes.
Little Jenna was happy in her little home and didn't want to join us on her own so on "DA' Bears" playoff day we were off to the hospital to be induced. We were put in a room that Bears player #30 Mike Brown's wife delivered in a year before. After about 17 hours little Jenna didn't like the contractions and her heart rate dropped with each contraction so Dr. Carmen decided it was time for a C-Section. About an 30 minutes later little Jenna Adrianne Michelle joined the Russo family.

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