After getting to the house and unloading we headed to see my grandma and her husband. Grandma was very excited to meet Jenna. It's pretty cool that she got to meet her great-granddaughter. Friday morning David went for a walk and had quite an experience, he met some of the local dogs lets just say, give him a call and he can tell you all about it, it's pretty funny actually. After that we ran some errands and found a gym so David could work out.

In the evening we headed to Vian, Oklahoma for the Davis Ice Cream Social (picture to the left is Myra, Jenna, Me & Becca, Aunt Peggy in background, other picture is Grandpa Benson having trouble getting that picture to load, it will follow). There Jenna and Becca got to meet more relatives, Great-Grandpa Benson and several Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and many other family members. We had some yummy homemade ice cream and then went to Uncle Jim's for more homemade ice cream, French Vanilla and White Chocolate Raspberry, it was soooooo yummy.

Saturday we went to "The Rock Shop" (pictures above) and wondered around and Becca enjoyed looking at all the different rocks and marbles. Jenna even had a play in a rock pile. Jenna got to visit with her Great-Grandma some more. 

After we got back David and Becca went for a ride on the Quad and Becca had a blast, squealing
at times from the speed, it was pretty funny. Saturday night we headed to Oklahoma again (2 hours away) to spend the night to prepare for the reunion. We went to Uncle Jim's again and had more ice cream (in case you haven't figured it out the Davis family is known for ice cream and eating) .

Sunday morning was the reunion and man o man was the line long (picture below) for lunch but there was as usual a big table of food. After everybody ate they began the usual introduction of family members. Grandpa Benson is one of 14 children (remaining brothers and sisters are pictured below) of the Davis family and several of his brothers and sisters had large families.

After the reunion was over we headed back to Arkansas so mom could make her famous BLT'S for David. Monday we woke up and headed back to my Grandma's house so we could say goodbye then headed back to the airport.

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