Two teeth
Saturday Jenna was chewing on my finger and I discovered that she has two teeth that have popped through her gums. They are starting to become visible only if you look really close. I can't believe at 6 months she has two. She is also starting to scoot around on the floor, she's getting pretty quick. I have to watch her closely or I will find her under the coffee table on on the kitchen floor. The living room has been partially baby proofed but I need to get the rest done very soon. I'll post pictures as soon as you can see her pearly whites.
Can't wait to get together again. Jeanna is getting sooooo big. I can't believe she has 2 teeth already. Have you started her on cereal yet? Hope you are all doing well.
Jenna is a little piggy, she eats cereal, vegies and fruit. For Dinner she eats all three, nobody can believe that she can eat that much.
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