As one of my birthday gift's David arranged with a friend to use two of their Chicago White Sox Tickets so I could see the Anaheim Angles play. A friend was to take me but he got a softball injury so he couldn't go. I'm thinking who in the world would I take, David wasn't able to go as he was taking care of the kids so I could go, after thinking it over for several hours I thought of taking Eric our next door neighbor's son. We headed off to the game after being really tired from our party the night before and Jenna up all night teething and wondering how I would make it through the game but I was excited to see my home town hero's the Angels to I managed to stay awake. 

Well not really being much of a Sox fan didn't really know what was going on with the Sox and I asked Eric after the Angels were up by 7 runs what the big deal was with all the signs people had showing "Thome 500", Eric explained that Jim's next home run would be his 500th home run. Over on the jumbo sign they were posting messages for people and I happened to snap a picture of the sign that said "Happy Birthday Michelle" hey, I'm sure it wasn't me but it was the same name and I was there for a birthday gift so as far as I was concerned it was for me, haha. Wow that made the game even more exciting for me. Around the 8 inning my precious Angels started to loose their lead and then by the bottom of the 9th inning the score was tied 7 to 7. Still no home run from Thome, he came up to bad again the bottom of the 9th, I believe it was 1 strike and 1 ball and then BLAM Thome hit is 500th home run(be sure to click on the link and watch the video, it was so awesome).
It was so COOL, fireworks went off all the Sox players left the bullpen and ran to the field, people where going nuts. I guess if my Angels had to loose I was ok for the loss like that. It was fun to be a part of history and see Jim Thome of the Chicago White Sox hit is 500th home run.

Sounds like you had a GREAT BIRTHDAY. David did a good job making your 40th a special one. Sorry that we couldn't be there to help you celebrate. Hope we can get together again soon.
Sounds like you a had a great birthday. David did a good job making your 40th a special one. Sorry that we couldn't be there to celebrate with you. Hope we can get together again soon.
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