Jenna is getting so big, she weighs 16 lbs. 14 ozs now and has about 6 teeth. She is still pulling herself up on almost everything but getting hurt less every day. She has a new favorite food just like her big sister Becca, she likes Mac n Cheese.
I'm almost ready for my open house, have everything cut and ready just need to finish cleaning a bit.
Just wanted to get an update poasted and a few new pictures of Jenna, I don't have any updated ones of Kayla and Becca but their school pictures should be out soon. Becca seems to like her new teacher and Kayla is getting used to middle school and all of her activities. She is in band, choir, and even has a part in an upcomming play. 

Good luck with your interviews. I hope it works out for you. I pray that Dave will find something else quickly. It sucks to hate your job. We are hoping that Tim will hear back about his interview from last Friday. Better health care is a must for us. But if nothing comes of it, I am just happy that he has a job. Have fun this Saturday, I hope you have a great turnout.
She is getting so big. I think she really looks like you Missy... Vince isn't sure she looks like either of you and wants to see a picture of the mailman! He thinks he is funny.
All is good in Erie. We probably won't be out to Chicago for Thanksgiving but a trip around Memorial Day will probably be happening if I get a presentation accepted at my next conference.
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