Monday, November 5, 2007

David is finally out of Countrywide!


I am finally out. I have finally given my notice to Countrywide, that Friday 11/05/07 will end my tenure and my career at Countrywide, FOREVER. I have taken a position in Management for Sears Holdings just north of Milwaukee. Although the drive will be long, the hours will be long, the pay isn’t much better, and the benefits are ok at best, it is a new start by going back to what I am good at, what I enjoy, and what got me my start in management. For those of you that read this, my brother Ric was possibly the best manager I ever worked for and I owe a lot to him. He taught me to put the people first. If they like you, trust you, and believe in you, they will follow you anywhere. Thank you Ric, you are the best brother anyone could ever have. As well, Thank you Tim. You taught me strength and resiliency. You helped me become strong in my heart and mind. I cannot thank you enough for your friendship and all that you have given to me and my family. Thank you for being my most trusted friend and advisor. Most of all, thank you to my wife. I would not be here, I would not have made it this far in my life, I would not have the strength to go on each day without you. I love you more every minute of my day. You make me stronger, better, and most of all, you complete me. I would be lost without you.

On another note; Kayla received her first report card as a big 6th grader. I am VERY PROUD to report that she achieved straight A's with many A+'s. As if that were not big news enough, this wonderful child also made, not only the honor role, but the HIGH honor role in her school. She has tested better than 95% of Illinois students in reading and better than 99% of Illinois students in math. UNBELIEVABLE. This is amazing news to me. We are very proud of her.


Liz said...

Congratulations Dave! I know what a huge relief this is for you and your family. I am so happy that you and Tim are finally out of the mortgage industry. Although, I am also very thankful for the mortgage industry as it has given us the opportunity to have great friends like you guys. Good luck at your new job. Hope we can get together again soon. Baby #2 will be here before we know it and Jenna is going to be 1 before you know it.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Miss Kayla Renee!
David, I really REALLY hope that this position brings you less stress, more satisfaction and ultimately enough cash!
Love you all,
Kel & Joe

Anonymous said...

David- that is so nice for you to say. You're a great brother too, I'm lucky to have you. Love you- Ric

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, glad to hear you are starting on a new adventure. Best of luck to you in the future and happiness in your new job. JoAnn Slosar