It is with the saddest regret, that I must report my younger brother has succumbed to his demons and taken his own life. Kris "Stosh" Larson, was found dead yesterday after committing suicide. Stosh had a long battle with drugs and alcohol. For the most part, he did a great job controlling his demons, and beating them into submission. But, as with all demons, they eventually fight back. Unfortunately for all of us, Stosh just could not keep them at bay any longer.

Those of us that were blessed with his presence, had an instant love for this kid. He was the biggest gentle giant ever. Strong as an ox, as gentle as a hummingbird. Remember McGyver from TV? Stosh was the original. I used to tell people, he was so smart and talented, he could pull the space shuttle apart and put it back together without directions. Not only would it not ever crash again, but it would fly faster and better. He was extremely intelligent.

There was nothing better than to see my girls eyes light up when Uncle Stosh walked into the room. They would immediately jump up and run to him and literally jump into the big man's arms. You would not believe the tickle fights that went on between him and Kayla Renee and Becca. They absolutely loved rough housing with him and for you wrestling fans, they would go "top rope" on him and he would just crack up laughing at how much energy they had for him.

He was a good man who tried his very best at everything his hand touched. He was a good son who did his best to be that good son. He was a great uncle who prided himself on being the favorite uncle. Most of all to me, he was a great brother that I will miss terribly forever now. I miss you little brother. I love you. Your pain is over.

We are truly sorry for your families loss.
The Zarembski's
I am so very sorry for your loss. Know that our family is praying for you all and we are here for you when you need us. Love and prayers, Liz, Tim, Mason, and Spencer
You are the closest thing to a brother that I have. Your loss is my loss, and please let me take some of the burden off your shoulders. I, and my family, are here for you. God speed and pass along my well wishes to the rest of your family.
We are so sorry for your loss. Your family is in our prayers.
Austin & Melissa Dempsey
Losing Stosh is going to leave a huge hole in our lives. He had the soul of an angel and the strength of a lion. I have no words for how I'll miss him, and his unconditional love and support.
I love you,
I am so sorry for your loss - if there is anything that you or your family need, please do not hesitate to let me know. You know that I will always be here for you all! Take care and god bless your family, Erica
I am so sorry for your loss. For the pain you are going through, I have no great words. Please know that Kris was greatly loved by many and will continue to live in all he touched. Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos and thoughts about him - I'm so saddened by this tragic loss. Much love and prayers, Kim (Tony's sister)
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