Kayla and Becca are out of school now for the summer and they start out the summer with us for 2 weeks. Since David and I are both working we reached out to friends and family to aid with daycare. The first day they spent it with Kelly and Olivia who take care of Jenna, they played with the Olivia and Jenna and I'm sure they were a big help to Kelly as she wasn't feeling very well. Tuesday the girls were going with our friend and neighbor Yvette and her kids, Sammy & Susie to Great America. I got a call early that morning from Kelly that she still wasn't feeling good so I called in to stay home with Jenna while Kayla and Becca went to Great America, after talking it over with David we decided that Jenna and I would go too.
I have been to Great America before but in California, not here though. The kids all had a good time and it seemed that Jenna had a great time also considering she didn't nap until almost the end of the day. I can't get over how darring Kayla is though, she likes the big coasters. The picture of her pointing up is her pointing to her favorite one, I can't remember what the name of it is though. Nobody would go on it with her so Yvette put on a brave face and went with her, it was pretty funny talking to her on her cell while she was waiting in line, the closer she got the more she didn't want to go. Yvette was a trooper and afterwards she even admitted that it wasn't so bad.

Susie wanted to go on the tallest drop (at least it's called something like that) so Kayla went on it with her, they are the two left seats. I was freaked out just watching them go on it. The sit in a seat that raises them all the way to the top and then drops the seat, no way, nah ahh, heck no, would I
EVER go on it.

Jenna got to go on the Wiggle balloon ride with her big sister and had a lot of fun.

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