I know this is delayed but I'll catch up. We had a great Labor Day weekend. We spent some time at home over the weekend and on Labor Day we had a crazy schedule planned. My longtime friend Marian (below right picture) from California was going to be in town with her boyfriend and our friend's the Lee's invited us to their house as well. Luckily Marian wouldn't be far from the Lee's house so I dropped David, Kayla and Becca off at Tim & Liz's (tim and kids pictured above) house and met Marian, boyfriend Paul, along with another long time friend Donna (below left pic) from CA and her family at a nearby diner. They had never met Jenna outside of my belly. They were here for the baby shower before Jenna was born. It was a nice visit but to short. After seeing Marian and Donna I went back to Tim & Liz's where David and the kids were.

We all had a fun time with the Lee's and took lots of pictures, but not as good as the family picture Liz took of all of us. I'll have to see if she wouldn't mind sharring so I can add it to the blog.
My birthday always falls on Labor Day weekend. I got a beautiful bunch of flowers from David's mom, a beautiful new scrapbook and gift card for Archivers from David and the girls and now I can go shopping at Kohl's with my gift card from my friend and neighbor Yvette and family. 

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