It was finally time to say goodbuy to the Camaro. It has sat for so long with no chance of being restored let alone driven. The Camaro and I had a good time, many car shows, dates with David in high school, graduation and being know as the girl with the cool car.
I got the car when I was 17 as a gift from mom and Bill. About 6 months after getting it I rear ended a VW bug, messed up the front end but got to meet a very special man, Bruno, David's dad. David's dad knew I got in an accident and was concerned that I was ok since I had no seat belts in the car, didn't need them at the time, and I bumped my head but was fine. Bruno wouldn't take no for an answere so he picked up David and came to the house and almost went toe to toe with my mom which was pretty funny. Bruno was trying to convince my mom that I needed to go to the hospital to get my head looked at, my mom not being one to over react said I was fine and didn't need to go, needless to say mom won. Bill repaired and car and it was good as new.
Had another accident several years later, again with a VW, man that car didn't like VW's, lol. Car was repaired and looked better then it ever had. Went through one engine, 2 accidents, several road rally's, car shows, had a couple broken windows from careless kids and a move to Illinois. 

Of course I would be crazy to say I wasn't sad to see it go, it broke my heart at first when I listed it but I new it was time. I listed it on Craig's list and within 24 hours I had over 30 responses and had it sold in 24 hours.

Live on little Camaro!
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