We left Grandma's to get ready for Santa. Becca had to get ready for Santa by putting some Reindeer treats on the front lawn made up of oats and some glitter to attract them and then put some cookies on a plate, it took her about 3 tries to keep the cookies on the plat, she kept loosing them on the floor, it was pretty funny. Then she had to put some carrots on the plat too so the reindeer had a snack too. Kayla had to help with the carrots and their Daddy loves to play jokes on them by telling them they had to bite off the tip of the carrots before they put them on the plat, that was pretty funny too. Jenna was already sleeping from our ride home so she didn't get to help get ready. So off to bed the girls went and of course Becca was to excited to go to sleep.

The girls ripped through their gifts and then found a couple of gifts hidden in the tree from Santa, Kayla stared to open her's first but had to wait for Becca because she was so excited. Santa brought both of the girls Nindendo DS's and they each got a dog game to go with it, needless to say they didn't put them down the entire day, not even long enough to charge them. My mom had one of Jenna's gifts shipped directly to our house so I brought it out, it was a Fisher Price Lion that Jenna could either sit on or push, she was so excited she figured out if the nose was pushed that would start the music so after a bit I put it together for her and off she went with Becca pushing her around the house.
David got lots of shirts for work, a few movies, some yummy popcorn, backpack, umbrella and even a Vodka decanter with shot glasses, you can't have the decanter without the vodka so David's mom brought out a bottle for the decanter. I got a couple of shirts, slippers, money, and I am and have always been a big Gene Autry fan so mom got me the newest autobiography that I can't wait to start reading. We had Christmas dinner at our house in which Kayla helped her Daddy make the traditional meatballs to go in the homemade sauce for the ravioli.

It was very stressful getting ready for Christmas but overall it was well worth it to have Kayla and Becca there for Christmas morning for the first time and enjoying the look on their faces to see what Santa brought them. Now we get ready for New Year's eve, we are staying home with the kids and I beleive Grandma Jan will join us for a little while. We will have lots of snacks, watch some movies and maybe play some Wii.
So for those of you we missed with the Christmas cards (sorry I didn't order enough this year) we hope you had a very Merry Christmas and have a Safe New Years, if you live near us please

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