Happy New Year!
It's hard to believe 2008 is already here, 2007 was a crazy year for us. David was laid off 2 times, almost 3 but quit before risking another layoff, I was laid off 2 days before I was scheduled to return from having Jenna, which worked out ok as I was able to be home with Jenna for 10 months. The mortgage industry was good to us but man are we both glad to be out of it, we both changed fields, David with Sears and me with a computer laptop repair center. Jenna is being taken care of my Olivia's mom Kelly and she just loves it there from what I can tell and I don't have the worry about Jenna coming home smelling like smoke like she did from her first daycare. Our friends are all good, The Lee family welcomed the addition of Spencer on I believe December 20th, David tied the fantasy football with his best friend Randy which just killed Randy as he was always top dog, Kayla is now in middle school and doing very well, claims to have no boyfriend, thank God, Becca loves school and her teacher is expecting in the summer break, David's brother Ric and sister-in-law Diane are doing well way out in sunny California, hopefully he will find a new job in the new year, all other family members seem to be doing well. Jenna will be 1 on the 22'nd, it's hard to believe time has gone so fast. So lets just hope that 2008 is a great year for everyone.We rung in the new year by just hanging out at home with the kids. We snacked and watched movies while David and I took turns nodding off in our chairs (man we're old). Becca tried to stay up until midnight but didn't make it, falling asleep by about 9:30 and of course Jenna was out by about 10 or so. Midnight came and we lit off a few fireworks in the snow(by the way it snowed for 2 days, new years eve and new years day), yelled a bit and Kayla hit a spoon on a pot for a few minutes to make some noise.

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