What a great weekend we had except that Kayla and Becca were not able to be with us, they were spending the weekend with their Grandparents in the U.P (that's Upper Peninsula of Michigan for your foreigners).
Our friends Jeremy, Georgia (pictured to right with David)and kids, Chase and Jade came from PA for a visit. This is the first time we have seen them in about 4 or 5 years I think. They were the first of our friends to leave us, lol, and move away. Anyway we started out our our holiday weekend by going to a parade in Antioch. It was the usual parade with kids, animals, tractors and politicians

but we all seemed to have a good time.

After the parade we took Jeremy & Georgia to one of our favorite hot dog places, Scott Dogs for lunch while we were trying to figure out what to do for the day. Somehow we got on the subject of fishing so we ended up going to
Lake Julian. 

Lake Julian is a stocked fishing spot where you can either fish in the Trout pond or the stocked larger pond. Usually at the Trout pond you are almost guaranteed to catch a fish which is exactly what the kids did, they caught several Trout and really enjoyed it. It was pretty funny and I'll get grief for telling about it but I have to share a funny story. Jeremy was doing something to Jade's fishing pole when all of the sudden I head a "Plop" sound, I looked and Jade's pole went into the lake, the funniest part is there was a fish on the end of the line. Jeremy moved fast and was able to get the pole out of the water and even managed to bring in the fish. David and Chase took the fish into the office to have them weighed and cleaned and Chase was fascinated with the cleaning process of the fish. I think the guy that was cleaning the fish had fun talking to Chase and he gave Chase part of the fish, the head and guts. Chase being himself took the fish head out to show his mom and that's the funny part, he started chasing her around the parking lot with this fish head is has hand. After all the fish were cleaned and paid for we headed home to have some dinner and wait until dark to have our fireworks show.

The next day we went to brave the crowds at the Taste of Chicago and man it was crowded. We had a great time at the taste and promised the kids we would let them play in the fountain in Millennium park afterwards. The kids all had a great time playing in the water. After we left the taste we saved room for a yummy dinner at Famous Dave's Bar-B-Q. I think Jeremy was so

stuffed he couldn't move .
We had a great weekend and it was really nice to see our old friends again.

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