Friday, August 22, 2008

Wet and warm summer

It has been a lazy, wet, and warm summer this year. Lazy and wet speak for themselves but the wet part has nothing to do with rain. It turns out Jenna just loves the water.

Almost every day she asks for "water...water" meaning the pool. It is a small plastic blue pool but she loves it. In fact, a couple weekends ago, we even got her older sisters Kayla and Becca in there with her. They had fun with Jenna in there. It was a little cramped but they still had fun.

We also have been working on important lessons this week. Teaching Jenna to say "DENIED" and of course everyones favorite "foreign kid" statement of "GOOD DAY". Now, we have worked on more important lessons like eating Oreo cookies correctly and winking.
Mostly we have played outside this summer. Playing with our neighbors kids and neices and nephews that have come to visit. It seems like this summer has gone by way too fast. As you can see, we had Sable out there with us, keeping the world safe.
Jenna sure loves her Sable (Yeah, that WAS my dog, but I think Jenna is taking that over too!

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