Monday, April 10, 2023

 Haven't been on in a bit. Travel and holiday makes busy times. Trying to get this house wrapped up in Arkansas is stressful. I'm still at my weight loss journey. Sure is hard to stick to it when you are not sure where you will be for your next meal so travel eating wasn't so good. I still managed to loss some even having a few meals not on plan (Rally's cheeseburger). 

I'm down.... 11 1/2 pounds since I started. 

Of course it would be more if we didn't go to Arkansas, which I might add I hardly ate while we were there add a scrapbook weekend. Just updated my 2nd order with a few changes. I've found a few tasty things and a few not so tasty things. I've definitely branched out and tried things I wouldn't normally try like an Egg Life wrap, it appears like a tortilla. It's a little weird but works in a pinch. Hopefully this week I can do better. Well off to go run some errands and find something to fix for lunch..